5 Non-Traditional Ways To Save For Your Retirement

Saving for your retirement usually follows a few pretty standard paths with little deviation. Using whatever savings vehicle your place of employment offers -- 401(k), 403(b), etc. - and combining it with both personal savings and social security can add up to a nice little nest egg after 40 years. If, however, you want to augment that savings with a less traditional investment, you have plenty of options.  1. Gold Coins: Gold is currently trading at over $1,400 an ounce and has always been considered a solid choice for investors.

3 Tips For Hiring An Independent Short Film Director

If you have a great idea for a short film, you could be hoping that you can find a good director who can help you with your project. When you're hiring an independent short film director to assist you with your upcoming film project, keep these three steps in mind. 1. Look for Someone with Experience First of all, even if you are a beginner with filmmaking yourself, you probably do not want to pick a director who doesn't have very much experience.